Ghana 2021

On Monday, August 9, 2021 our Ghana Service Team and a group of high school students from  I Am C.U.L.T.U.R.E.D.  will journey to Ghana to be immersed in the music, art, dance, nature and history of a region many African-Americans called home centuries ago. We have also partnered with Africa With Us Foundation on service projects in two separate regions of the country


Spread Out Initiative(SOI) is a Non-Profit organization set up to support children and youth from diverse backgrounds realize their potentials, and attain their dreams of a better future.

Their goals include closing the digital gap in Africa, improving employability and encouraging digital entrepreneurship among young people.

Dates: August 9-16, 2021

Our Service Project

Help S.O.I. empower their community by upgrading their current facility to a true entrepreneurship center.

  1. What We Need
    1. Computers (5-7)
    2. Printer (1)
    3. Printing supplies (Paper, ink)
    4. Smartphones (2)
    5. Empowerment kits for all students (in-kind donations welcome!)
  2. Fundraising Goal: $8,000





    Abundant Grace School is a primary and secondary school in the Cape Coast region of Ghana. This will be our second year supporting their students. Below is a list of supplies that will be purchased with the funds from our fundraiser. The money will also be used for school fees and much-needed building upgrades.


    • Notebooks
    • Index cards
    • Pens
    • Highlighters
    • Erasers
    • Pencil sharpeners
    • Pencils
    • Ballpoint pens
    • Glue sticks
    • Calculators
    • Graph paper
    • Crayons
    • Colored pencils
    • Coloring books